


Change The Word: 12 Ways To Make Work Meaningful No Matter What You Do-1

If you’re afraid that your work lacks are deep purpose and doesn’t really make a different in the world, this episode is for you. Today’s question comes from Renee, and Renee writes: ”Hi, Maire, Thanks for your insights and contributions every Tuesday. I’ve even used your words to encourage my elderly mom. My Q is about my sense of vocational purpose with art. I used to be a chaplain in health care. I love feeling needed and saw that my services is held lifesaving and life altering value. After changing from chaplaincy to purpose my own business with visual art, I’m getting a little bogged down with realization my purely aesthetic work won’t have lifesaving or life altering value. I fear is that my sense of fulfillment won’t be as strong or rich as used to be. There’s gotta be a better perspective to embrace.”  Thanks Renee.


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lack  (v)缺少、沒有  (n)缺少的東西、缺少

purpose (n)目的、意圖/用途、效用/意志、決心/(討論中的)議題


episode (n) (整個事情中的)一個事件/(文藝作品中)插曲、片段/


insight (n) (+into) 洞察力、眼光/洞悉、深刻見解

contribution(n) 貢獻(+to/towards)/捐獻/捐獻的物品()/投稿/投寄的來稿

elderly 年老的、上了年紀的、年紀較大的

sense 官能、感覺、知覺/整體感覺、領悟、理解

sense of fun 輕鬆快樂的天性

sense of humour 幽默感

sense of occasion 隆重的氣氛、節慶的氣氛

vocational (adj)職業的、業務的

chaplain (n) (為某機構提供宗教服務的)牧師、特遣牧師

chaplaincy (n)牧師職位、牧師辦公室

lifesaving (a)救命的  (n) 救生術

alter (v) (通常只輕微地)改變、(使)變化

value (n) 價值、價格

visual (adj)視覺的、視力的

bog down +sth 使陷入泥沼/(某事物)陷入困境不能前進

realization (n)領悟、認識/真實、現實

purely (adv)純粹地/完全、全然/僅僅、只不過

aesthetic (adj)美學的、美的、藝術的、審美的 (n)美學、美學標準、審美觀

fulfillment (n)完成、旅行、實現(+of)/滿足()、成就()

gotta=have got to/have got a 應該、必須

embrace (v)欣然接受、樂意採納


get/keep sth in perspective 恰當地估計、合理地評價、正確地看待

put sth in(to) perspective 客觀地比較、客觀地審查


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